A creative journaling invitation (with audio message)
Let's make + start a perpetual creative journal together
Over the past few days, I have heard about this type of journal keeping, called a perpetual journal, more than I can count - in unrelated, random places, from an assortment of folks. It has me paying attention - and all excited to art journal again.
I’ve actually been using a form of this method myself for many years unknowingly, but in a totally different way, and not as part of my visual everyday art practice. The thought of using it that way now though, as I begin my practice again, just has me all lit up inside!
Why didn’t I think of this before?
A perpetual journal would be perfect for a Slow Down Art Life practice, and can be customized infinite ways to fit into your creative practice interests, intentions, medium and focus.
Because it has that tingly energy for me, I’ll be sharing my own process of getting one started with subscribers - with tips, ideas and such for starting your own - over the next month as I get it started, and beyond as I integrate it into my creative practice.
Join me if it sounds like fun! Here’s a bit more about it in this audio message/invitation I made for you, as well:
Wanna try it with me?
I’m off to pick a journal style, then put some plants in the ground.
Love that you are doing this Hali! I was inspired by a TikTok at the beginning of this year to go through my camera roll. So for example I search "August" in my photos, and it pulls up all photos of August in every year. It's nice to clear up some space, but it's been even cooler seeing the connections and what was happening at the same time in years past. I was actually thinking next year I might do the same thing but with my art journals. I've seen glimpses when I have taken photos on my phone, but there is so much more. Seems like a more daunting task though - not quite as easy to handle and search as the phone :)
I just started one last week. I’m so excited to move forward on this journey with you!
I am also all about starting new things in the fall. There’s just an extras charge in the air, or something, isn’t there?